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Think of the investment planning process as the way we get to know you. We explore and define your goals, your wishes and desires, and the level of risk with which you’re comfortable.
Once we learn about you, we develop a plan specifically for you - a plan designed to meet your specific objectives while taking into account your family considerations, your feelings about risk, your tax situation and many other factors. We review this plan carefully with you upon completion, then review it on a regular basis to make certain that no significant change has taken place which might affect your needs and goals.
With your plan in place, we’re able to develop a portfolio designed with your investment goals in mind. We focus on asset allocation, which is the largest single factor in determining how your investments perform. We avoid the risk of single stock selection by utilizing indexes, and look for further diversity across a variety of industries and asset classes appropriate for your specific situation.
We work hard to make sound choices that enable us to keep turnover in your account low, helping to minimize your taxes. This lets you keep more of what you earn and reach your goals in a more timely fashion.
The hallmarks of our investment philosophy are consistency, a focus on the long term, risk management and diligent oversight. Life changes, markets change and the economy changes, but adherence to these core values has always served investors well, and at Churchill Financial, will continue to do so.
We offer a variety of amenities designed to make managing and accessing your account fast and easy. Checking and credit cards are available for your investment accounts, along with arrangements for checks, wire transfers and ACH requests (with no annual IRA fees*, or outgoing wire or overnight check fees).
* Applicable for managed accounts only.
You’ll be able to view all of your accounts online at your convenience, including your balances, holdings and account activity, and download whatever you need.
We’ll provide you or your CPA with all of the information you need for tax preparation at year end, too.
We can also provide you with referrals to a wide range of other professionals, from accountants to attorneys and insurance agents, who share our commitment to sound ethics and strong client service.