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It’s no small thing to ask someone to place their trust in you. That’s especially true today, when texts and emails have replaced face time and phone calls. At Churchill Financial, we understand that earning your trust is a process that never ends. So we work tirelessly, day in and day out, to earn renewed trust from every client we serve. When we founded Churchill Financial, it was our goal to combine expert investment advice with unparalleled client service, and modern technology with old-fashioned ideals of service and honesty. That remains our mission today.
Much of the economic adversity of the last decade or so can, in part, be traced back to investment vehicles better known for their risk and complexity than for their return to investors. At Churchill Financial, we believe in simplicity and transparency. Based on your needs, goals and feelings about risk, we develop a simple, common-sense plan to help you meet your objectives and enjoy peace of mind in the process.
We believe that open and honest communication is the cornerstone of every relationship. This is especially true when you’re choosing a partner to assist you with your investment management. At Churchill Financial, we’re known for staying in touch with clients, and for being available whenever you need us. We keep you informed and let you know how things are going on a regular basis. You have quick access to any member of our team whenever you have a question, including our operations staff and portfolio managers. If the person you wish to speak with isn’t available when you call, you can be assured of a prompt return call every time.
While people may share some overall goals, there is no one like you. We approach every client as a unique individual with a specific set of circumstances. There is no “template” for the planning and guidance we provide; everything we do for you is tailored to your own special set of goals, objectives, concerns and feelings about your financial future.
We offer a truly unique advantage, in that our firm includes a wealth of experience in two key areas: investment management and accounting/financial services. This gives us the ability to develop a personalized, practical plan that takes a wide range of factors into account, and the experience to craft a portfolio which is the right fit for all your needs.
At Churchill Financial, we believe that planning and patience yield rich rewards. Unlike firms which encourage frequent trading or changes to your portfolio, we believe in diligent planning, careful allocation and a focus on your total return over the appropriate investment horizon. Rather than following fads or buying into the latest “hot” opportunity, we seek out those investment vehicles which most closely match your goals, then manage for the long term.
Three factors outside the markets can dilute the return on your investments: taxes, inflation, and fees. While these can’t be eliminated, they can be managed and minimized when they are explicitly considered in an investment plan. At Churchill Financial, we take advantage of investment vehicles that keep expenses low, such as exchange traded funds.* This approach helps you keep more of what you earn.
* Commissions apply for non-managed accounts.
Everyone talks about relationships, but in everyday life, they are becoming increasingly rare. At Churchill Financial, we believe that our service to you reflects the value we place on our relationship. That value is shown in the way we communicate, in our attention to the smallest details, in our prompt response to every question or request, and in the diligence with which we monitor your investments. We believe that every relationship is personal, based on trust and respect, and we work hard every day to demonstrate our commitment by serving you beyond your expectations.